Tiebreaking Votes: US Vice-President Kamala Harris makes history with tiebreaking votes in Senate


NEW DELHI: Vice President Kamala Harris made history again on Wednesday when she cast her 31st tiebreaker vote in the US Senate, tying the record set by John C Calhoun. Harris already has the distinction of being the first woman/person of color to serve as Vice President of the United States.
The tiebreaker vote, which introduced Kalpana Kotagal’s candidacy on the EEOC, came just two and a half years after Harris served as vice president. That’s much faster than Calhoun, who took eight years to pick 31 Vote break.
In accordance with Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 of the United States Constitution, the Vice President also serves as the President of the Senate. In this capacity, he or she may cast the deciding vote when there is a tie in the Senate.
Harris’ predecessor Mike Pence cast a total of 13 tie-breaking votes during his tenure. Interestingly, the current US President Joe Biden, who served as Vice President during Barack Obama’s presidency, did not cast any deciding vote.
“It’s a moment and I think there’s still a lot we still have to do,” Harris told reporters. She added, “My mother gave me great advice, that I might be the first to do many things. I’ll make sure it’s not the last.”
Harris has cast deciding votes on a variety of issues, including the American Rescue Plan, the inflation-reduction law, and the confirmation of two federal judges.
While Harris didn’t initially expect to make history with the parting votes, she embraced the role. She said she was proud to be associated with some of the important achievements of the Biden administration.
The task of casting tiebreaker votes can be frustrating at times, but it also gave Harris a unique opportunity to shape the country’s direction.
(With input from agencies)


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