
Amid heavy rains in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, the Okai Dam in Tapi district has ended up receiving 1 liter of water, officials said Saturday. Although forecasts of heavy rains in southern Gujarat over the weekend raised concerns, the water level in the dam reached 312.34 feet on Saturday night, 21 feet below base level, according to official information.

“We regularly receive a flow of more than 1.02 thousand cups of water but there is nothing to worry about. The current water level in the dam is 312.34 feet against the base level of 333 feet (about 21 feet lower). Last year, around the same time, the water level in the dam was 326 feet with a flow of 53,000 cubic feet of water,” said Ukai Dam executive engineer PG Vasava. The base level gives an indication of the storage space.

At present, 38 percent of the dam is filled with water amounting to 28,773 million cubic meters. He added that just before the start of the monsoon season, the water level in the dam, which was recorded earlier this year (end of May), reached 308 feet, while it was 312 feet last year. As of Friday afternoon, the water flow from the upper catchment area of ​​Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra has reached 21,004 flexes, with the water level in the dam at 310.55 feet. Friday evening onwards, the inflow rose to 41,310 pythons and reached 1,02,523 cosic.

Dam authorities have drained 600 cups of water over the past two days.
Informed people said that there are 51 measuring stations located in the upper catchment areas, and 340 mm of rain was recorded at 35 measuring stations on Friday. According to the details from the flood control department in Surat, Navsari, Danges, Valsad and Tapi, moderate rains were received in different talukas in five districts. No untoward incident has been recorded in these areas.


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