Federal judge rules Oregon’s tough new gun law is constitutional


Portland: a Federal judge The Oregon electorate ruled to approve it gun control measure – One of the nation’s toughest – constitutional.
U.S. District Judge Karen Emmergott ruled that banning large-capacity magazines and requiring a permit to purchase a gun is consistent with “the nation’s history and tradition of regulating uniquely dangerous features of weapons and firearms to protect public safety,” Oregon Public Broadcasting reports.
The decision follows a landmark US Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment that overturned gun laws across the country, splitting judges and sowing confusion about the restrictions on firearms that can remain on records.
He changed the test lower courts have long used to assess challenges to gun restrictions, telling justices that gun laws must be consistent with the “historic tradition of regulating firearms.”
Oregon voters in November narrowly passed Measure 114, which requires residents to undergo safety training and a background check to obtain a permit to purchase a gun.
The legislation also prohibits the sale, transfer, or import of gun magazines containing more than 10 rounds unless they are owned by law enforcement or a military member or were owned before the measure passed.
Those who already own high-capacity magazines may only have them at home or use them at a shooting range, in shooting competitions, or for hunting as permitted by state law after the measure takes effect.
Large-capacity magazines, Emergott writes, “are not commonly used for self-defense, and are therefore not protected under the Second Amendment.”
“The Second Amendment also allows governments to ensure that only law-abiding and responsible citizens keep and bear arms.”
The latest ruling from the US District Court will likely be appealed, and will likely go to the US Supreme Court.
The fate of Oregon’s measure has been carefully watched as one of the first new gun restrictions passed since the Supreme Court ruling last June.


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