
posted by: Kavya Mishra

Last updated: July 17, 2023, 23:43 IST

All the missing persons are residents of the village of Pithla in Ayodhya.  (photo: shutterstock)

All the missing persons are residents of the village of Pithla in Ayodhya. (photo: shutterstock)

Relatives called the Ayodhya police after learning that a bus had an accident on the night of July 9 in Himachal district and feared that the eleven had boarded the same bus.

Relatives said Monday that 11 members of the Ayodhya family, who had boarded a bus in Chandigarh bound for Manali in Himachal Pradesh on July 9, have been missing since.

Relatives called the Ayodhya police after learning that a bus had an accident on the night of 9 July in Himachal district and feared that the eleven had boarded the same bus.

The relatives filed a written complaint with the police in this regard and appealed to the Himachal Pradesh authorities for assistance in tracing the missing persons.

The missing family members are Abd al-Majid (62), his wife Nasima (60), his son Bashar (42), Bashar’s wife (40), Bashar’s two sons – Waris Ali (10) and Season (6) and his daughter. Alvira (4), Majid’s younger son, Amisah, Majid’s daughter Karina (18), Ishtihar (21), Ishhar’s wife Shabna (19).

All the missing persons are residents of Bethla village in Ayodhya, the police said, adding that they worked as daily wage laborers in Manali. Ejaz Ahmed, 30, a relative of Majeed, who was born in Masaferkhana in Amithi district, and accompanied him, was also missing.

Additional Ayodhya SP Atul Kumar Sonkar told PTI, “We are in contact with the Himachal Pradesh Police and trying to trace the missing family.” According to relatives, Majeed and his family left their home in Ayodhya on July 8 and took a bus in Chandigarh on July 9 for Manali.

Relatives said they had spoken to family members on July 9 moments before they were to board a bus to get to Manali by midnight but had not made it there and their phones could not be reached.

Rebar, Majeed’s brother-in-law who was in Manali that day, was in regular contact with family members.

Rebar said Kareena, one of the missing, said that by midnight of 9/10 July they (Majid and his family) would reach Manali bus stand, and asked him to pick them up.

Rebar said he kept waiting for his in-laws at the Manali bus stand but they never got there. Also tried to contact them, but all mobile phones were found switched off.

Rebar said he later learned that part of the road in Manali was washed away on the night of July 9 due to floods caused by heavy rains in the state.

He said some buses and other vehicles parked on the road were swept away by the floods.

(This story was not edited by the News18 staff and was published from a syndicated news agency feed – PTI)


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