
Two infiltrators were killed and an attempt to infiltrate across the Line of Control in the Krishna Ghati sector of Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district was thwarted by security forces in the early hours of Monday morning, the Defense Professional Service said on Monday.

Members of the Army and the Jammu and Kashmir Police participated in the joint operation.

Giving details, Lieutenant-Colonel Sunil Partwal, Lt. Col. Sunil Partwal, said movement of militants “from the Line of Control to their own side” was observed near the Poonch River.

According to Bartwal, the gunmen were wounded in a heavy exchange of fire that took place in the early hours of Monday morning. He said one of them died instantly and the other fell into the Poonch River. He said that the body of one of the militants was later recovered from the site.

An AK-74 rifle with magazine, 11 rounds of ammunition and other rationing stocks were recovered from the site, Bartwal said. He said that the infiltration attempt aims to disturb the peace in Poonch district.

Recently, the neighboring Poonch and Rajouri districts have witnessed attempts to revive militancy by terrorist groups operating across the Line of Control. After the militants killed five soldiers each in an ambush on the Bhimber Gali-Surankot road in Poonch on April 20, and in a forested area in Rajouri on May 5, the army and police intensified the vigil and strengthened the counter-insurgency network.

Since June this year, the security forces have thwarted nearly six infiltration attempts across the Line of Control in these border areas. On 24 June, three militants were shot along the Line of Control in the Krishna Ghat area of ​​Poonch when army and police teams thwarted an infiltration attempt. A soldier was also wounded in an exchange of fire with militants who were seen falling near the Line of Control after being wounded.


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