Why Flood Waters Entered Delhi Ring Road, Civil Lines
The water regulator at the Indraprastha metro station that collapsed and caused floodwaters to pour into the Ring Road, a barrage whose gates are stuck by silt and a river that hasn’t been washed away in decades – behind the floods in Delhi are a combination of factors that led water to enter areas that haven’t seen floods since Almost half a century.
According to Delhi Disaster Management Authority officials, a regulator at Indraprastha metro station, which has not been used or maintained for several years, collapsed due to its poor condition as well as strong water pressure and flooding of the ring road.
DDMA officials said if the breach is not repaired soon, water is expected to flow towards Mathura Road and the High Court. There is a drain in the metro station, where a sewage treatment plant is built to make sure that sewage and dirty water do not enter the river. A regulator was also placed on the drain but it was not used for a long time as the need never arose. It is under irrigation management and flood control. Now that the problem has been identified, it will soon be resolved.