
ROME: Italian health officials stepped up warnings of high temperatures on Monday as southern Europe began a sweltering week with temperatures expected to reach 40 degrees Celsius – or 104 Fahrenheit – on an already sun-bathed continent packed with tourists.
The Ministry of Health urged regions to enhance home communication services so that the elderly do not have to go out if they need medical care, and set up dedicated heat stations in hospitals to treat emergency cases.
The ministry also issued 10 recommendations to protect the elderly, the sick and pets from the heat, urging people to stay indoors during the hot hours, drink at least 1.5 liters (nearly half a gallon) of water per day and refrain from strenuous exercise at peak times. in the light of day. Local celebrities on state-run TV RAI went to read the recommendations out loud, hoping to spread the message.
The culprit is a high-pressure anticyclone named Cerberus – the many-headed dog that guards the gates to the underworld in Greek mythology. the third heat wave Within a month it was expected to affect much of the Mediterranean Sea and last until Wednesday.
“The hot air bubble that ballooned over southern Europe turned Italy and neighboring countries into a giant pizza oven,” University of Reading climatologist and geophysicist Hannah Klock said in a statement. “The hot air that was pushed in from Africa now stays where it is, with high-pressure conditions stabilizing which means that the heat in the warming sea, land and atmosphere continues to increase.”
The mercury in Rome reached 39 degrees Celsius (102 Fahrenheit) by 3pm on Monday. The Italian capital was expected to be much hotter on Tuesday, topping 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) like many other cities, particularly in Sardinia and Sicily.
Blackouts hit parts of Rome as electrical grids suffered from surging demand from air conditioners as people sought relief. Meanwhile, Italian farm lobby Coldiretti has issued an alarm about the plight of pets and farm animals, stating that cows produce 10% less milk as a result of the heat.
Elsewhere in Spain, A.J Forest fires That began on Saturday on the Canary island of La Palma continued to spiral out of control on Monday, although authorities say weaker winds and cooler temperatures in the area are helping firefighters fight it. The fire burned about 4,600 hectares (11,300 acres) of mostly woodland hillside land and about 20 homes and buildings.
More than 4,000 residents were evacuated from their homes on Saturday but were allowed to return until late Sunday.
Spain’s meteorological agency Emmett said this week’s heatwave “will affect a large part of the countries bordering the Mediterranean,” with temperatures in some southern regions of Spain exceeding 42 degrees Celsius (107 Fahrenheit).
The agency says it expects temperatures to drop sometime Wednesday.
Spokesman Rubén del Campo said the anticyclone is pushing a mass of hot air from Africa toward Spain and other Mediterranean countries. The agency predicts that with the temperature rising and the air extremely dry, the risk of wildfires will rise exponentially.
Greece got a brief respite from the heat on Monday, with business hours returning to normal at the ancient Acropolis and other sites. But two fires threatened homes in areas outside Athens, where winds of up to 70 kilometers per hour made it difficult to contain the flames.
Most of southern Greece, including greater Athens, was on a high fire alert level, while extreme temperatures were expected from Thursday.
The southern Mediterranean was not alone in suffering. Authorities in North Macedonia extended a heat alert for the next 10 days with expected temperatures exceeding 43C (109F), while Kosovo authorities also issued heat warnings.
“Never in my life have I felt such heat in Pristina,” said Artan Kelani, a 22-year-old student.


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