
Dubai: Iranian authorities announced on Sunday a new campaign to force women to wear the Islamic headscarf and the morality police returned to the streets 10 months after the death of a woman in their custody, sparking widespread protests across the country.
The morality police pretty much pulled out after the 22-year-old passed away Mahsa Amini Last September, as the authorities struggled to contain mass protests calling for the overthrow of the theocratic regime that has ruled Iran for more than four decades. The vice police were rarely seen patrolling the streets, and in December there were some reports – later denied – that they had been disbanded.
The authorities insisted throughout the crisis that the rules had not changed. Iran’s clerical rulers view the veil as one of the pillars of the Islamic revolution that brought them to power, and consider casual wear a sign of Western decadence. Major General Saeed Muntazer Al-Mahdi, a police spokesman, said that the morality police will resume notifying women who do not wear hijab and then arresting them.


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