
To provide a range of facilities to the passengers, as many as 16 amenities are proposed along the Samruddhi Mahamarg. Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC), the nodal agency for the construction and development of the 701-kilometre Mumbai-Nagpur Samrudhi-Mahamarg Road, has identified 16 places along the corridor.

According to the official, the bidders who offer the highest rent premium up front above the reserve price of Rs 274,173 crore for all roadside sites (cumulative) will be eligible. The deadline to participate in the bidding process is July 25th.

An official from the MSRDC said the aim was to obtain a common bid for all 16 roadside amenities. He said that if a particular roadside feature did not work well, then the sole or responsible bidder could overcome the losses by earning from through other amenities.

As per MSRDC, it has reserved Rs. 50 crore for the development of every roadside amenities, apart from Rs. 274,173 crore as the price booked. That is, the bidder must have the financial capacity to invest Rs 800 crore (Rs 50 x 16 positions), besides paying the reserve price.

An official said that since the agent will be investing more than Rs 1,000 crore, the aim of having a sole bidder is to overcome losses. Further, as per Indian Road Congress, roadside amenities should be developed to required standards as stated.

Apart from this, MSRDC is also ready to accumulate land for four more sites in Igatpuri, Aurangabad and along Samruddhi Mahamarg. The official said that since MSRDC does not have land in these locations, therefore, land pooling has been discussed. The land required is a maximum of 12 hectares, of which a minimum of 5 hectares will be set aside for development of roadside amenities as required.

Since the land is mainly owned by farmers, the question was how they develop these facilities which required huge capital investment. The official explained that the owner of the land could be anyone including farmers. It was provided that they could set up a joint venture with someone who had huge capital assets to develop roadside amenities in four more locations in succession.

For both, the term of the franchisor is 60 years. In land aggregation requirements, the landowner must transfer ownership to the MSRDC, and for development of roadside amenities, no fee will be charged, unlike the 16 sites specified for facility construction. The official explained that the said partner will develop, earn and maintain the amenities for the said period.

future plans

MSRDC has now decided that, going forward, it will develop roadside amenities during the construction of highways such as the proposed Pune Ring Road. This way, it can hire a contractor to operate these prefabricated roadside facilities for a fee.


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