Astrologer Explains Why It Is Auspicious To Feed Crows On Amavasya


Last updated: July 18, 2023, 4:24 PM IST

Crows are the vehicle of Saturn.

Crows are the vehicle of Saturn.

The astrologer equates feeding a crow to giving food to its ancestors.

India is a country where many of its customs, rituals and traditions have religious overtones. Every aspect of nature is of immense importance in Hindu culture. This includes air, water, trees, animals, and birds. According to the Vedas and other scriptures, feeding animals and birds can help people escape the negative effects of the planets in their horoscopes and bless them with positive karma.

In Hindu mythology, many deities and birds use animals and birds as vahanas or vehicles. It is said to be useful for feeding animals and birds, as it supposedly helps absolve us of our sins. In particular, feeding crows on the new moon or amavasya is considered a good deed. Astrologer Muthu Viramani from Rameswaram district in Tamil Nadu tells us why.

Muthu Veeramani says that crows are the vehicle of Saturn and that we do not domesticate crows in homes and temples. “Charity is the donation of food to creatures or humans who are not related to us. On this basis, feeding a crow is completely charitable because the crow does not belong to anyone and we did not raise it.”

He also says that ravens are believed to represent Petras or our late ancestors. Therefore, he equates feeding a crow with giving food to its ancestors. He also points out that by doing this, you are feeding multiple creatures because any food given to the crow is always shared with its chicks.

The crow can be fed without bathing on days other than the day of the new moon. For those observing the Amavasya fast, the crow should only be fed after bathing.

When Saturn is strong, we have the stamina to complete worthwhile tasks in the long run and the willingness to perform even the most difficult tasks. People with diseases of Saturn are advised to feed the crows because it is believed that it can help reduce the negative effects of Saturn.


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