Jharkhand: Man held for theft dies, family alleges custodial torture


There was a dispute over the death of a 25-year-old man accused of robbery in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand state on Tuesday, who police alleged died by suicide while family members alleged it was a case of “custodial torture leading to death”.

An assistant inspector at Barhi Police Station was suspended after the controversy and the Hazaribagh Police wrote to the Deputy Commissioner to conduct a judicial investigation. The state’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has been assigned an investigation at this time.

According to the police, on Monday evening, they arrested Manzar Khan aka Ashfaq, 25, after he was caught robbing a neighbor’s house in the Barhi district of Hazaribagh. Based on the complaint, the police recorded the FIR and Khan was kept in jail overnight and was supposed to appear in the district court on Tuesday. However, the police said he “strangled himself” with a rope.

Hazaribagh SP Manoj Ratan Chothe said: “Manzar was caught in the act by his neighbours and the police were called. On Tuesday, while in jail, he used a rope to strangle himself… Khan was taken to hospital where doctors pronounced him dead.”

The autopsy was videotaped, Chowth said. “I have never seen a case like this in my entire career… but at first glance it is not a murder. However, if anything comes up in the CID investigation, we will register a murder case.”

In Barhi, Manzar Khan’s uncle, Zahid Khan, said it was a “clear case of torture in detention” that led to death. Al-Zahed said that Manzar was the only member who earned an income in his house and was working as a car driver. Al-Zahid added that Manzar’s father suffers from paralysis.

When Manzar was arrested for theft, I was told the police beat him up. Also, the whole theory that he strangled himself is very strange. We are told that he tore his pants and hanged himself. Now, I’m listening to something new that he choked on himself. That’s not possible, and I suppose he was beaten up in jail.”

Al-Zahed also asked why he was not brought before a judge so soon after his arrest. “There were marks around his neck, but there seem to be other injuries as well. We will also file a complaint soon,” he said.


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