
Som Kamla Babu, Farmer from Telangana Mudhole.  (News 18)

Som Kamla Babu, Farmer from Telangana Mudhole. (News 18)

Two farmers, one from Bihar and the other from Telangana, challenged the traditional way of farming and invented a single wheel plow and motorcycle plow to make their farming practices easier and more affordable.

Necessity is the mother of invention and one such invention has made a huge difference in the lives of Indian farmers.

Two farmers, one from Bihar and the other from Telangana, challenged the traditional way of farming and invented a single wheel powered plow and a motorcycle plow to make their farming practices easier and more affordable.

Som Kamla Babu, a farmer from Telangana Mudhole site, was not in a position to cover the expenses of engaging labor and tractor to prepare his farmland for sowing cotton seeds.

With the help of his grandson, he straps the plow to his son’s motorcycle and converts it into a motorcycle-powered plow.

To make this process a success, the grandson operated the scooter and the grandfather took care of the plow to make sure the cottonseed was plowed.

The duo was lauded by netizens for their innovative farming techniques as their video clip went viral on social media.

“My pocket will not allow me to use hand labor and tractors to plow my farmland. I came up with the idea of ​​creating a motorcycle powered plow with the help of my son and grandson,” Som Kamla Babu told News18.

On the other hand, Dinesh Kumar who hails from Baijnathpur said he was sitting idle when the tractor owner refused to plow his farm because his field was too small.

However, Dinesh did not give up and came up with another innovative technique. He noticed an iron tiller in their house that his father had brought a long time ago.

Then he bought one front wheel, one two-cycle handle and other required items and with the help of a local mechanic, he assembled the plow by spending only Rs 1500.

Dinesh succeeded in plowing his farmland by moving the one wheel plow.

“One can cultivate 5,445 sq. ft. to 6,806.25 sq. ft. of farmland with this plow and it is good for the fitness of the farmers. It only costs Rs 3,000,” said Dinesh Kumar with a smile on his face.


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