6 Ways To Get Over the Guilt After Having a Cheat Meal


This feeling of giving up, not showing willpower with food, and being unable to resist food that wasn’t on the diet plan is a common feeling dieters experience after indulging in a cheat meal. Also, worrying excessively about the potential negative effects of a cheat meal on the weight scale can increase stress levels (the stress hormone cortisol increases appetite and promotes fat storage). Individuals who strictly stick to their diet during the week and look forward to indulging in the guilty food, but once they finish eating a cheat meal, there is a common tendency to feel guilty and freak out about letting the guard down, not counting calories, losing their will around delicious food, and derailing their entire weight loss journey. But you don’t have to worry, you don’t have to feel apologetic after eating your heart; You only feel guilty if your cheat meal turns into a “cheat day” and then into a cheat weekend! The biggest risk is succumbing to the “all or nothing” attitude and falling off the wagon completely. If you feel like going back to square one after gorging yourself on a cheat meal, this article is for you! Read about 6 ways to deal with guilt after a cheat meal.

Ways to avoid feeling guilty after cheat meals

1. Plan your cheat meal in advance:

There are many benefits to planning your cheat meal in advance. Believe us, planned cheat meals won’t ruin your peace of mind. Without planned cheat meals, we may give in to cravings or indulge in an impulse, which can lead to overeating and guilt. Planned cheat meals can help people make more controlled choices. Also, knowing that a scheduled cheat meal is about to pop up can be motivation to stay on track with the diet plan because it provides a reward to look forward to after consistently sticking to a diet. The guilt is greater when it’s not part of the plan, but when it’s a scheduled plan, you know you’re going to indulge and that’s okay because you’ll be back on track with the next meal.

2. A walk after a cheat meal promotes a positive mindset.

A short walk or walk after a cheat meal is a good way to dispel all negative feelings, doubts, and guilt. Any kind of physical activity and exercise, even brisk walking will release endorphins, which naturally lift your mood and make you feel better. Since walking is also a form of exercise, you’ll burn some calories, too! It’s a win-win situation here.

3. Understand that the cheat meal will only benefit you.

Experts say that when you reduce calories during the dieting process, the body tries to adapt to save energy by slowing the metabolism and holding on to stored fat more tightly. Over a period of time, individuals come to a plateauing phase wherein a sluggish metabolism makes it difficult to shed excess weight as easily as before. Here’s where a cheat meal can help reset the metabolism, by tricking the body into thinking food is available again, and it’s OK to continue burning fat. In fact, studies show that after a cheat meal, the body increases its metabolism, causing you to burn calories faster. Also, it acts as a good motivator to stick to your diet throughout the week. Without a cheat meal in your diet, you are more likely to give in to temptations and cravings. Also read: “How to rev your metabolism to speed up weight loss.”

4. Follow people who have successfully lost weight:

Rati, who has lost nearly 30 kg of weight, advocates indulging in a cheat meal once a week. Not only did she manage to lose a significant amount of weight, but she also kept it off by following the diet plans on Rati Beauty app, Where cheat meals are part of the program. Follow Ratty on Instagram For ideas for delicious cheat meals.

5. The fact that you won’t gain weight overnight:

There are rough guidelines for weight loss that to lose 1 kg of fat, you should burn approximately 3,500 calories. By the same logic, for 1 kg of fat you need to eat 3,500 calories, and for the average person, eating 3,500 calories in one meal is not entirely feasible. Therefore, if the scale shows a large jump within a few hours after that meal, the water retention is likely due to the high salt content of the meal. Just keep this in mind – you don’t gain weight overnight and you won’t lose weight overnight. So, with one cheat meal, you will not gain 5 kg overnight.

6. Remember it’s a reward meal.

Consider it a reward meal – a kind of reward that you give yourself for sticking to the diet, working hard on yourself, and not giving in to everyday temptations and desires. So you deserve this meal and you have every right to enjoy it without feeling guilty.

Summing up, don’t feel guilty any more, think of your next meal as a chance to get back on track. Don’t starve in an effort to burn calories, and most importantly, don’t fall into an “all or nothing” attitude and see it as an opportunity to ditch the diet. However, as we mentioned above, don’t turn a cheat meal into a cheat day or weekend, as this practice can derail your progress. Consistency is key, and if you’ve followed the diet meticulously all week, not a single cheat meal should ever bother you. It is essential to remember that occasional indulgences or “cheat meals” are a normal part of a healthy relationship with food and can be enjoyed without guilt as long as you stick to your diet and exercise routine.

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