Distributing letters of appointment to some 700 candidates from various departments selected by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Thursday that previous governments had spread corrupt individuals everywhere, making the entire system empty. Asking the newly appointed officials to strictly abide by corruption, the prime minister said sectarianism, corruption and bias are the biggest obstacles in the way of development.
Adityanath emphasized that now there is no sectarianism or nepotism in the recruitment process as in the past, there are no considerations of region, language or caste in setting appointments. “Only those qualified will be selected,” he said.
The Chief Minister delivered letters of appointment to the candidates selected as part of Mission Rozgar at an event held in Lok Bhawan here.
“You will have a period of 30 to 35 years to prove your ability and ability in front of society. Complaints about the general public revolve around these administrations. Put your ego aside and work for the welfare of the people,” said Adityanath.
The prime minister also warned the officials that arrogance of any kind in dealing with the people will work against them.
“Now, if you are a deputy collector and refuse to interact with people, this will work against you,” said Adityanath, adding, “In the last 1.5 years, this is the 21st distribution of appointment letters. By completing the appointment process in less than ten months, the UP Public Service Commission has set a new standard for fairness, transparency and cleanliness.” “There are many officers that nobody knows, but there are also many officers who are remembered by the public long after their service is over. The same thing will happen to you if you treat the whole country as your family.”
Letters of Appointment have been handed out to 39 Deputy Collectors, 93 Deputy Superintendents of Police, 422 Medical Officers (AYUSH Section), 7 Local Food Marketing Officers/District Supply Officers, 12 Treasurers/Accounts Officers, 10 Urban Development Department Executives, 44 Tehsildar NEPs, 53 Technical Assistants/Mine Officers/Mine Inspectors, and five officials of the State Property Department and 15 officials of the Khadi Council and Village Industries.