Bollywood figures, legendary love stories, government slogans: all this and more was cited when Pakistan resident Seema Haider on Friday petitioned President Draupadi Mormo for Indian citizenship after marrying Sachin Meena in Noida.
The petition, filed through High Court Advocate AP Singh, who appeared for the defendants in the December 16 Gangrab case, stated that she should be allowed to reside in her husband’s house because “the motive of Indian culture is to live and let live and Vasudeva Kutumbakam (the world is one family)”.
The petition, submitted on behalf of Seema, stated that she had converted to Hinduism of her own free will before marrying Sachin in Nepal. “The petitioner did not obtain a visa to enter India, then the petitioner took Nepal visa and came to Nepal… and changed religion from Islam to Hinduism… On 13.03.
The petition requested a long-term visa for Sima, and said her marriage should be considered valid under the Special Marriages Act.
“… There was public, political and media pressure to implicate the petitioner… Our law department clearly says that access to justice for all, in all its manifestations, is essential if a culture of democracy is to thrive. Impartial investigations are essential to achieving justice for all,” the petitioner said.
The lawyer also quoted a number of Bollywood celebrities to support his arguments. Famous singer Adnan Sami obtained Indian citizenship due to his long stay in the country. Famous actress Alia Bhatt has revealed that she cannot cast her ballot in India because India does not grant dual citizenship like other countries of the world. The petition states that Akshay Kumar, the famous superstar, has Canadian citizenship but has been living in India for a long time.
Citizenship of India can also be obtained through naturalization, the petition says
argue. He said, “The petitioner came (to) India with great love and affection for the beloved husband Sachin Meena like the famous phrase ‘love is blind’. That is why the petitioners’ love like that of Laila-Majnu, Heer-Rangha, Shirin-Farhad and Sohni-Mahiwal will always be remembered in the future of world history.”
It further said, “The petitioner will finally be able to lead a dignified life in India (in line with) the slogans of the Indian government like Betty Bashaw and Betty Padau and also with Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Vishwas aur Sabke Saath Nyay”.