Chevrolet Bolt at the EPA National Fuel and Emissions Laboratory
How far an electric vehicle can drive on a charge is one of the most closely watched numbers in the automotive world.
The official government process used to test and certify these ranges has potential flaws.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been testing vehicles since 1971, but only began testing electric vehicles in 2012. Electric vehicle technology is still very new and changing rapidly. These are exciting times, EPA engineers say, but it can also feel like the “Wild West.”
The EPA only tests a small portion of the total vehicle fleet. The fact that he can test any vehicle at any time forces automakers to meet EPA standards.
Some in the auto industry say the EPA’s ratings are more accurate than those issued by other government agencies, at least for American roads. But independent groups have found that their own tests yield different results than the official EPA range ratings.
Critics say the agency’s decals are inconsistent with those used on gas cars, in part because the tests don’t take into account how people actually drive. The bands on the labels appear larger than they are. Automakers can also use methods to inflate their range numbers.
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