
Appealing to people to work towards improving the level of depleted groundwater, Prime Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said it is impossible to imagine life without water, so it is necessary to harvest rainwater to improve the level of groundwater.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the ‘Groundwater Week’ programme, the Chief Minister said that to address the problem of depletion of the groundwater level, the state government passed a law in 2019 making it mandatory for new residential and commercial buildings to have rainwater harvesting provisions.

“This has led to an increase in the number of rainwater harvesting systems in the state to meet future needs,” he said.

“We have to collect rainwater because the higher the groundwater level, the more pure the water we get. On the contrary, the lower this level, the more arsenic and fluoride complaints will appear. This will also increase the risk of disease.”

Adityanath said the best time to conserve water is during the rainy season because if we can save every drop at this time, it will be a life-saving effort in the future.

Adityanath said the Groundwater Week programme, which started on July 16, officially concludes today (Friday), but in reality, it will end on Saturday with a massive tree planting campaign.

“Under the tree planting campaign, 30 crore seedlings will be planted in one day across the state. The program will be completed with 5 crore seedling farms on Independence Day. We all have to participate in the program actively,” said the Chief Minister.

Noting that his government has made a difference through the Har Ghar Jal program in the past six years, Adityanath said, “People used to carry water on their heads for long distances in places like Bundelkhand and Vindhya erstwhile, but now every home has access to clean water easily.”

The chief minister said that the state government is working to provide reverse osmosis water in these areas.

“If you want Har Ghar Jal Yojana to be successful for a long time, the people of the state will have to step up and understand the importance of increasing the groundwater level because the water requirements can be met by 80 to 90 percent through groundwater,” he said.

Adityanath said the state government has succeeded in conserving water through the Amrit Sarovar Mission at the district and block levels as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav programme.

“Everyone is well aware of the dire state of the Ganges, which has improved significantly since the launch of the Namami Ganges project under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,”

he added.


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