Aaj Ka Panchang, July 24, 2023: Check Out Tithi, Shubh Muhurat, Rahu Kaal and Other Details For Monday


Last updated: July 24, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang July 24, 2023: Sunrise is expected at 5:38 AM and sunset at 7:17 PM.  (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang July 24, 2023: Sunrise is expected at 5:38 AM and sunset at 7:17 PM. (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang, July 24, 2023: All Mondays that fall during the holy month of Shravan are considered auspicious for fasting and are referred to as Shravan Somwar or Suan Somwar. Check tithing, auspicious and inauspicious timings, and other details here.

AAJ KA PANCHANG 24.07.2023: Shashti and Saptami Tethi of the Shukla Paksha tribe in the month of Sawan will meet on Monday, July 24, according to Banchang. All Mondays that fall during the holy month of Shravan are considered auspicious for fasting and are referred to as Shravan Somwar or Sawan Somwar.

Sawan Somwar Farat is an important occasion for Lord Shiv lovers. Many devotees fast every Monday in the holy month of Sawan and worship Lord Shiva on this day. Before starting any daily routine, check the tithe, auspicious, and unfavorable hours.

Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on July 24

Sunrise is expected at 5:38 AM, while sunset is expected at 17:17 PM. The moon will rise at 11:08 AM and is expected to set at 11:07 PM.

Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi for July 24

The Shashthi Tithi will remain in effect until 1:42 PM after which the Saptami Tithi will begin. Hasta Nakshatra will be observed until 10:12 PM, and Chitra Nakshatra will appear after that. On this day, the moon will be seen in Kanya Rashid. The sun will be placed in Karka Rashid.

July 24

The Brahma Muhurta is expected from 4:15 am to 4:56 am. Abhijit Station runs from 12:00 PM to 12:55 PM. The expected timeframe for Godhuli Muhurta is 7:17 PM to 7:38 PM. Vijaya muhurta will be observed from 2:44 PM to 3:39 PM.

Sayahna Sandhya muhurta will run between 7:17 PM to 8:19 PM, Nishitha muhurta will run from 12:07 PM to 12:48 PM and Pratah Sandhya muhurta will run from 4:36 AM to 5:38 AM. Finally, Amrit Kalam Mahrati will be from 3:36 PM to 5:22 AM.

Herb Mahrat on July 24

Rahu Kalam will run from 7:20 PM to 9:03 AM. The duration of Golkay Talk will be between 2:10 pm and 3:52 pm. Yamaganda muhurta will be effective from 10:45 AM to 12:27 PM.


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