When you get into a car accident, you probably know that you have to take care of your safety. It is essential to move your vehicle to a safe location, check for injuries, and call 911.
However, most people don’t realize what other steps they need to take when filing automatic claims. Tallahassee auto accident attorneys They can help you understand what you must do after an accident to protect yourself and your right to compensation.
Steps to follow after your car accident
In Florida, you should Call the police After an accident where there is an injury or death, or if damages appear to amount to more than $500. In addition, it is important that you take pictures of the scene of the accident to document everything.
Talking to witnesses at the scene of an accident and obtaining their contact information is crucial, as is sharing insurance information with any other drivers involved. Above all, personal injury lawyers always advise against admitting fault in an accident. Even if you are partly at fault, this could be used against you and affect your automatic claim.
In addition to these steps, you should contact your auto insurance company. You will need to give them a statement, although in the chaotic aftermath of an accident, you may not know what to say. You don’t have to call them directly from the side of the road, but you will need to report the accident to your insurance company.
Working with an auto accident attorney makes this step much easier. Your attorney can handle the insurance company on your behalf. This will relieve some of your stress after this experience.
Dealing with your insurance company after your car crash
After you report your accident to the insurance company, they will contact you to request a recorded statement. This is something you have to provide to them and it is a legal requirement in the exact copy of the insurance contract.
If you don’t give them this statement, they will interpret it as a lack of cooperation. They may void your policy and prevent you from collecting your claim. As such, you are advised to let your attorney handle these matters. When the insurance company requests the recorded statement, you can ask them to speak to your attorney instead. They must comply with this request.
It is also important to remember that auto insurance companies will probably offer the lowest possible return in most circumstances. Usually, this is much less than what you need to make up for your medical bills, lost wages, and repair expenses.
How accident attorneys can help with auto claims
If you try to deal with the insurance company on your own, they may try to get you to settle. This may seem like a win-win because you will get money from your claim and the case will be over. However, negotiating a more favorable settlement is a better idea. An experienced auto accident attorney is an asset because they will know how to calculate your damages and fight for a reasonable amount. Unfortunately, it is common for people to underestimate their financial losses due to a car accident. As such, they receive very little and then end up in debt because they do not have enough to cover the expenses resulting from the accident. By hiring an auto accident attorney, you can avoid this mistake and successfully file your auto claim for a reasonable amount.