
WASHINGTON: He’s young, scandal-free, and beloved by conservatives for embracing the “anti-woke” agenda that fueled his rapid rise within the Republican Party.
After the governor of Florida Ron DeSantis He failed to put a gauntlet on Donald Trump in the race to challenge Democratic incumbent Joe Biden for the White House in 2024 — baffling observers who see the former president as more vulnerable than ever.
In theory, the nomination should be a drawn-out for Trump, who has been impeached twice in one term, lost to Republicans in three election cycles and mired in criminal and civil investigations over alleged misconduct.
But the 76-year-old Republican frontrunner baffled his critics, opening a double lead over his former protégé, as DeSantis failed to capitalize on doubts about Trump’s election.
Expected to officially launch his campaign any day now, DeSantis has sold himself to the Republican establishment as a less anarchic avatar than Trump himself.
The governor overwhelmingly won re-election last year in what was until recently seen as a swing state, earning right-wing plaudits for taking on Florida liberals on immigration, gun rights and education.
But a number of missteps raised red flags about the 44-year-old former military officer’s readiness for a national post.
A bitter, avoidable dispute with Disney, Florida’s biggest employer over its policies, has baffled advocates of free-market capitalism, while a six-week abortion ban he signed into law has moderates worried he is out of public view.
DeSantis has also been accused of appearing lightweight on foreign policy, taking blows for downplaying the Russian invasion of Ukraine and making “low-powered” speeches during his recent trip to Britain.
CNN political analyst Harry Entene suggested DeSantis will pin his hopes on his official launch to relaunch a faltering campaign before it gets out of the blocks.
“If it doesn’t happen, it could end up being one of the most boring presidential primaries in modern times, given the important merits of Biden and Trump,” Inten said in a recent commentary.
Still, the momentum is decidedly against DeSantis, which saw Trump lead by 15 points at the end of March twice in RealClearPolitics’ latest averages of major polls.
It’s not just DeSantis’ decline: Trump’s numbers have gone from 40 to more than 50% since he was indicted for financial crimes in New York.
Despite the distraction — as well as threats of a civil rape case and criminal investigations into alleged election interference and mishandling of government documents — Trump has shown focus and discipline over weeks of relentless attacks on DeSantis.
The pro-Trump political action committee Make America Great Again spent millions in the spring on ads smashing DeSantis as an ardent cutter of welfare benefits.
In one particularly stunning coup, Trump got the endorsements of most of Florida’s congressional delegation because DeSantis was out of state, on a visit to Washington.
“On the campaign trail, with increased scrutiny, DeSantis was less impressive than advertised,” said University of Virginia professor and political analyst Larry Sabato.
“He doesn’t communicate well with a lot of people, his speeches are sometimes off-putting, and he’s made some bizarre choices that hurt him like pushing too hard on Disney – an American icon.”
Perhaps DeSantis’ biggest asset is his fundraising. He reportedly has a war chest of up to $110 million, giving him deeper pockets than the Trump campaign or any other potential rival.
But name recognition is more valuable at the polls than cold, hard cash, and Trump — one of the world’s most recognizable faces — doesn’t have to spend a fortune to introduce himself to Americans.
Analysts warn against counting DeSantis so far, pointing to his popularity among suburban voters that Republicans desperately need in the next election.
And his supporters put forward a broader argument for electability — that the governor could defeat Biden while there may be no path back to the Trump White House.
“Governor DeSantis is a proven effective leader,” said New Hampshire Majority Leader Jason Osborne in a recent statement promoted by Florida governor’s aides.
“He has shown he has the determination to change broken systems and fight extremist agendas that try to undermine our society.”


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