
Mixing old and new furniture is a popular design trend that adds character and depth to any living space. However, mixing and matching different styles can be challenging without the right approach. “Combining modern and vintage pieces when installed adds a touch of personalization to a space. Most of the time, it’s our personality, our expertise that we try to reflect through these pieces,” said Ankit Oga and Anand Atelier Associates. Indianexpress.com.

Poonam Kalra, Creative Director, I Center for Applied Arts, agreed that the experience brings a touch of excitement to the design. “When pieces of furniture abandon the label of singular style to combine modern and antique furniture, it becomes a story in itself. Significance.” modernity The sentimental value of traditionalism is met in all its glory when the art of creating these styles comes into play,” she said.

Designers have shared some key tips to keep in mind for those who plan to mix traditional and modern furniture pieces.

Playing with proportions:

When disparate styles blend with each other, there is a call for balance. “Basic visual harmony can be achieved with the 80-20 rule where 80 percent of the furniture stays modern and 20 percent stays vintage. It could be anything from a massive Queen Anne console table to minimal shelving and supplementsto the towering almirah that pairs with steel ottomans and a seamless vanity mirror, Kalra explained.

Highlight textures:

She added that the mixed media palette drawn from the stylistic differences gives a unique signature to the space. “Emphasizing the textural quality of aged teak, polished brass and more in a modern, minimalist canvas can add a stimulating touch to an interior landscape,” she added.

home decor furniture These tips will improve your space (source: Pexels)

Get the color theme:

The interior designer highlighted that true eclectic meaning can only come from the purposeful pairing of pieces with the shared language of color. Play with repetition and tie things together with color-coordinated, complementary pieces color schemes And neutral bases bring the combinations closer together,” suggested Kalra. In agreement, Ojha advised pairing your antique pieces with modern furniture and creating a color palette for the decor, devoting it to the timeless elegance of antique pieces. “It will help bring balance and contrast to your home decor.”

Adding a fresh look to fabrics:

Furniture and accessories that define a particular style don’t always have to come in their original form. “Artistic details from an antique Turkish rug can become wall tapestry, the hand-embroidered craftsmanship of zari throws can be framed as a work of art and the elegance of luxe 1980s lace can enter wall panels to give new meaning to contemporary elements,” Kalra said.

Featuring personal groups:

Finding that personal touch can come through free-style furniture pairings, she said, free of judgment and rules of thumb. “Even a 150-year-old vase can sit on a shimmering marble table if it feels appropriate. Such smaller, deeper connections with space make her style experiments exciting and aesthetic, all at the same time. Ojha also believes that any antique is installed in Homes are a reflection of ourselves.” When we choose any piece, we should think about the piece that speaks to us and what would be the most appropriate choice for our space.”

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