Breast cancer screenings should start at age 40, U.S. panel says


Medical professionals use a mammogram to check a woman’s breasts for breast cancer.

Hannibal Hanschke | dpa | Image Alliance | Getty Images

Most women should have breast cancer screening every two years starting at age 40, a decade earlier than previously recommended, according to draft guidelines Released Tuesday by a Government subsidized board from the experts.

The US Preventive Services Task Force said its new guidance could save 19% more lives.

Each year in the United States, about 264,000 cases of breast cancer occur diagnosed in women and about 2,400 in men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 42,000 women and 500 men die in the United States each year from the disease.

Breast cancer screenings usually include a mammogram, which is an X-ray of the breast.

The committee’s guidelines apply to intersex women and all other people who were designated female at birth and who are at intermediate risk of developing breast cancer. It does not apply to people at high risk of developing breast cancer, including those with a family history of the disease.

The recommendations of the USPSTF are usually widely adopted in the United States the team previous directivewhich was last updated in 2016, suggested that women begin screening every two years at age 50.

This guidance also said women in their 40s could talk to their doctors about getting screened, especially if they have a family history of breast cancer.

At that time, the commission worried that earlier examinations could lead to unnecessary treatment for younger women, including biopsies that turned out to be negative. a biopsy It is a sample of tissue taken from the body, which is examined for a disease such as cancer.

But the panel said it changed that guidance because of “new and more comprehensive science” about breast cancer in people younger than 50, Dr. Carol Mangioni, the immediate past chair of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, said in the guidance.

The incidence of breast cancer among women ages 40 to 49 increased 2% annually, on average, from 2015 to 2019, according to National Cancer Institute.

The commission said the new guidelines also aim to ease the disparity in breast cancer death rates between black and white women.

black women 40% more likely to die of disease more often than their white counterparts and “develop fatal cancers more often at younger ages,” The team said in the guidelines.

The committee called “urgently” for further research on how to eliminate this disparity.

“Ensuring that black women begin screening at age 40 is an important first step, yet it is not enough to improve the health disparities we face with regard to breast cancer,” said Dr. Wanda Nicholson, vice chair of the commission, in the guidance.

Other medical groups, incl American College of Radiology and the American Cancer SocietyI already recommend annual breast cancer screenings before the age of 50.

Almost 60% of women are between the ages of 40 and 49 mentioned Have had mammograms within the past two years in 2019, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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