
ISRO’s Indian Institute of Remote Sensing is inviting applications from school students for a free online course on space science.
IThe Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) invites school students over 10 years of age to apply for a free online space science course. The course named “Space Science and Technology Overview” aims to provide students with knowledge and awareness about various aspects of space science and technology.
Things to know:
- Students from inside and outside India can apply for the course.
- The one-month course starts from 6 June 2022.
- This will be a 10-hour total online course run by eminent space scientists.
- A test will be conducted after each video session.
- Students will be awarded certificates from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO.
- The curriculum includes space technology, spacecraft systems, astronomy, space science, satellite meteorology, planetary geosciences, and more.
- Students will get the opportunity to read satellite images to extract information and access geographic data from online data warehouses.
- A minimum of 60 percent of points in the test and 70 percent in the video sessions is required to obtain a certificate of participation in the course.
- The language of the course is English.
- Students can post their doubts in the discussion forum, which will be created at the beginning of the course.
- Students have access to all sessions up to the last day of the course.
- For more information, go to The official brochure.
How to apply:
- Register for the course through Official Website.
- The login credentials will be sent to the email address added.
- The session will be available on IIRS E-CLASS LMS.
- go through The official brochure before recording.
important dates:
- Course start date – 6th June 2022.
- Course End Date – 5th July 2022.
In case of queries, write to dlp@iirs.gov.in.