
UN: Data tracking of gender bias shows no progress over the past decade, with prejudices remaining “deeply rooted” in society despite rights campaigns such as Me tooA UN report said on Monday.
biased between men and women gender social norms Worldwide: nearly 90 per cent of people have at least one bias” among the seven analyzed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)United Nations Development Programme).
The report says that these biases are “widespread among men and women suggesting that these biases are deeply rooted and affect both men and women to similar degrees”.
The UN agency updated the Gender-Specific Social Norms Index (GSNI) – which takes into account measures of political, economic, educational and physical well-being – using data from World Values ​​Surveyan international project that studies how values ​​and beliefs are changing around the world.
The UNDP said the index shows “sexism against women has not improved in a decade”, “despite strong global and local campaigns for women’s rights” such as MeToo.
For example, 69 percent of the world’s population still believes that men are better political leaders than women, and only 27 percent believe that it is essential for democracy that women have the same rights as men.
Nearly half of the population (46 percent) believe that men have a greater right to have a job, and 43 percent believe that men are better business leaders.
A quarter of the population also thinks it is justified for a man to beat his wife, and 28 percent think university is more important to men.
The report said that prejudices create “obstacles” to women and are manifested in the dismantling of women’s rights in many parts of the world.
“Without addressing gender-biased social norms, we will not achieve gender equality or the Sustainable Development Goals,” the report states.
The lack of progress on gender biases comes as the United Nations has also reported a decline in measures of human development in general, linked in particular to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social norms that prejudice women’s rights are also detrimental to society more broadly, and discourage the expansion of human development. Pedro ConceicaoThe director of the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Program said in a statement.
“Everyone can benefit from guaranteeing freedom and agency to women,” he said.


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