Last updated: June 14, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 14, 2023: Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:23 AM while sunset time is stated at 7:20 PM. (photo: shutterstock)
Aaj Ka Banchang, June 14, 2023: On Wednesday, the Banchang will celebrate the Ekadashi and Duwadshi Tithi of Krishna Paksha, according to the Hindu calendar
AAJ KA PANCHANG, June 14, 2023: On Wednesday, the city of Banchang will celebrate the Ekadashi and Dawadshi Tethi of Krishna Paksha, according to the Hindu calendar. Krishna Ekadashi is considered favorable for many auspicious endeavors and hence it is included in the list of auspicious timings. Similarly, Krishna Dwadashi is considered favorable for most auspicious activities and is also included in the category of suitable Muhurat timings.
According to Drake Banchang, Hindus will hold a religious ceremony, yogini ekadashi, on this day. Stay familiar with the tithi to learn about auspicious and inauspicious timings to efficiently overcome obstacles that may arise, and gain a deep understanding of the events in your day.
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 14
Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:23 AM, while sunset timing is announced at 7:20 PM. Moonrise is supposed to be observed at 2:58 AM on June 15 and Moonset time is most likely at 3:49 PM.
Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi for 14th June
The Ekadashi Tithi is expected to be in effect until 8:48 am and after that, the Dwadashi Tithi will be executed. It is estimated that the Ashwini Nakshatra will be observed until 1:40 pm, which is when the Bharani Nakshatra will occur. The moon is considered to be on Mesha Rashi while the sun is expected to be seen on Vrishabha Rashi.
Shab Mahrat June 14th
The time between 4:02 AM and 4:43 AM is considered auspicious as the Brahma Muhurta. The Godhuli Muhurat is expected to take place between 7:19 PM and 7:39 PM while the Vijaya Muhurat is scheduled to take place from 2:41 PM to 3:37 PM, while the Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat is scheduled between 7:20 PM and 8:00 PM :20 p.m.
Herb Mahrat 14 June
Rahu kalam is considered inauspicious from 12:21 p.m. to 2:06 p.m., while Golekai kalam is expected to take place between 10:37 a.m. and 12:21 p.m. It is stated that the Yamaganda muhurat is in effect from 7:07 AM to 8:52 AM while the Baana muhurat in Mrityu is estimated to occur until 5:22 PM to the whole night.