Punjab School Education Minister Harjot Singh Baines on Thursday approved the formation of a separate Promotion Cell in the School Education Department.
Baines said that since he took charge of running the school, he has received the highest number of complaints from staff and administrators complaining that promotions were not timely.
He said the promotion cell has been set up in the office of the Director of Secondary Education Department with Assistant Principal Ritu Bala in charge of it.
He said that the Cell will be responsible for Teaching/Non-Teaching Promotions from Group A to D which includes Master Cadre, Lecturer/Chair Master Upgrading from Master Cadre, Lecturer/Professional Master/Director to Deputy Principal of DEO, Principal/Deputy DEO from Assistant Principal/ DEO, Assistant Principal / DEO, Deputy Principal to Joint Principal and Joint Principal to Principal of Elementary Education. Besides this cell, you will also take care of work related to seniority lists for all cadres, work related to table record preparation and follow-up of court cases.